The Blessings of Solitude

Truthfully, one of the highlights of the pandemic was that it drew people to God in different ways all over the world at the same time. Prior to the outbreak, I had just lost my dad and when I returned to Lagos on February 21, 2012 I shut down everything just to hear the voice of God and I was drawn to PURPOSE. Not like I had not heard or studied about purpose before this time, but it felt more expedient and I would like to share a few things I have heard in this time of solitude in line with what you have shared [in your May Newsletter] with respect toprioritize & pursue.

  • We have a purpose given by God for our lives. Everyday the Holy Spirit helps us live out this purpose by directing and ordering our steps. Some people get to know their purpose early while others get to know later, but none can miss their purpose if they yield to the direction and order of the Holy Spirit.
  • In living out purpose we are given tasks and assignments as led by the Holy Spirit which are directly and indirectly related to our purpose. When we carry out these tasks as led by the Holy Spirit, we are a step further into the purpose of God for our lives which He reveals to the Holy Spirit.
  • These assignments and tasks from the Holy Spirit are in line with God’s purpose for our lives and they are connected to His greater purpose – His Kingdom. All of our purpose is connected to His Kingdom purpose so we must ensure we fulfil our individual purposes so that we are not disconnected from His Kingdom purpose.
  • Being disconnected from His Kingdom Purpose will lead to lack of a fulfilled life, search for vain glory, validation from men, struggle for things that would have come naturally, otherwise (For example, money), lack of the fruits of the Holy Spirit etc.
  • When disconnected from His purpose we are constantly stressed, because we are less dependent on God and His Holy Spirit (Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest). Until we connect our plug back to his socket, we will continue to labour.
  • The tasks and assignments that God has committed to us can be seen in different ways as we journey towards our life’s purpose and no two people’s purpose are the same. There may however be connections to a person’s purpose but each person’s purpose is different and all of men’s purpose are connected in one way or the other since all of our purpose are connected to God’s main purpose. It is not strange when we meet at different points and connect based on our purpose as we live out or carry out our assignment which is individualistic in nature –

       – Two people on purpose meet and agree to get married and fulfil purpose together, 
         carrying out assignments associated with that purpose – bearing children, building
         business, raising kids etc. However they are still two people who still have their
         individual purpose to fulfil.       – You are in that business / job to fulfil purpose there.       – You have given birth to that ‘special child’ to fulfil purpose.       – You ave been given that promotion to fulfil purpose.       – You have been posted for NYSC (National Youth Service Corps) to that far away
         Northern/Southern state to fulfil purpose there.       – You have been granted that visa to fulfil purpose there.       – You have been sent to that school to fulfil purpose there.

  • As we go through life, we may sometimes think that it is a normal thing when we receive an expected outcome but we must not forget that as long as we have been obeying the voice of the Holy Spirit’s leading then the outcomes we are experiencing should not be taken as just normal. It should encourage one to maintain focus and keep eyes on the purpose.
  • Sometimes on this journey of purpose it could be overwhelming and one may get tired and feel like things are not going as expected and may be tempted to start comparing our state with another person’s. Don’t let these thoughts get ahead of you, arrest the thoughts and subject them to the convictions you have received from the Holy Spirit. Make sure you are always in line with the Holy Spirit because He has the compass for your life. When you make a mistake and realize that you have gone out of line, don’t continue outside of the line, connect yourself back and get charged again to go in the direction of the compass of God for your life.
  • Upon an assignment or task we must understand and be aware of timelines and periods of transition where applicable. When it is time to start an assignment, we will receive the promptings and resources required and when it is time to end an assignment we will also be notified and know what to do. These timelines are important in the journey of life.
  • No man can fulfil his God-given purpose all by himself and it is the reason the Holy Spirit is there to help and send helpers to enable us accomplish the tasks as we need them. It is almost impossible and frustrating to accomplish anything without the Holy Spirit as a Help and Guide. He is our Best Friend and He talks; we will hear when we listen. He does not struggle or strive to be heard because he is gentle, full of compassion but firm. he is there to help us and teach you all we need to know so that we don’t miss the purpose of God for our life and eventually be absent in God’s Purpose – Kingdom!​

But I have raised you up for this very purpose, that I might show you my power and that
My name might be proclaimed in all the earth
(Exodus 9:16 NIV)

by Bolatito Puddicombe